Mental Health (Psychiatry) Nursing

The Department of Mental Health Nursing provides comprehensive and quality mental health nursing education imbibing ethical values to provide community based care to the accessible population.

Hospital setting: We as health professionals, aim at client-centered multidisciplinary approach with service motto to individuals with mental health problems. We provide a full range of psychiatric, psychological, medical and rehabilitative therapeutic services with a vision of being a center for best nursing practice. This will enhance wholistic treatment, better education and applied research, for individuals with mental illness.

Community setting: Education is mainly focused to remove stigma related to mental illness. Field trips are organized to mentally challenged homes, de-addiction centres and rehabilitation centres. Learning activities include survey, home visits, mental health awareness programmes and celebration of mental health day and Alzheimer’s day.  


Mrs. Lalitha. R   Associate Professor
Mr. Vinodh Selvan Vincent  Assistant Professor
Mrs. Jakkulin Lilly Priya   Assistant Professor